Worship Team

Basic Info

Self Evaluation

These questions will help us know how to better serve our team and what areas we need to press into! Thanks for answering honestly!


As we begin in BT, our goal is for everyone to have a home congregation, but there will be occasional needs at each location. If you're willing to help out at either location, let us know.

Christmas Night of Worship

Christmas NOW will be Sunday, December 11th at 6pm, rehearsal will be Saturday the 10th at 9am.

A few reminders as we continue to serve and grow our team:
  • Gospel Growth | Our identity is rooted in the Gospel, who we are in Jesus. We should always be making an effort to grow in Christ through personal study and prayer. 
  • Community Is Key | We cannot and should not do this life alone. We need each other, to build one another up and strengthen one another as we live out our life as disciples of Jesus. 
  • Mission Focused | Our goal as a team will always be to declare the good news of Jesus and point others to Him. We long to create spaces in our worship gatherings where people hear about our Creator and are able to freely worship Him.

As we continue this mission, having one mind, let's remember the importance of:
  • Coming Prepared (Spiritually, by praying for gatherings ahead of time. Practically, by knowing our parts)
  • Being Prompt (respecting each other by being on time)
  • Engaging whole-heartedly in worship times (even when we're not on stage!)

We're so excited about what God is doing in our worship times. Let's go!